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I can write my name
l can share my feeling on a piece of paper.
I can educate through poetry.
l can spread information easily.
Than you say l am uneducated.

You can call me uneducated
but everyday you read my poems and get inspired.
You say l am uneducated but everyday day you read my motivational quotes and get motivated.
Then after that you call me illiterate.

Where is my illiteracy when l can write something and it touches hearts.
Where is my illiteracy when I can write something and it changes lives.
You say lm uneducated while you have changed your ways through my writings.
Then uneducated, you say.

Some of you read my poems then wishes to write like me.
Some ,reads my poems and asked for more.
Then you call me uneducated.
While you have been inspired.
As if l retired.
But l never bunked .
It's time and opportunity that never came for me to get education.
But l can act like lm educated.
That's when you take advantage to say lm uneducated.

I went to the school of my own.
A school of feelings and emotions.
A school of both happiness and Tears.
Where a paper was a friend.
And emotions where the teachers.
Then poetry become the solution.
That's why l write for you today.
Then uneducated you say.
I never went to school you say.
I have reasons and they are reasonable too.
So first look before calling me uneducated.

MALIVS ☘️☘️.
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- Zimbabwe

The poet persona proves his literary capacity by saying all the transformations he attains by writing. The voice instructs any creature against calling him "uneducated" for his utilitizes his experience properly.

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