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Seething serpents lurk in confined obscurity, 
Holed to hibernate in stuffed dungeons
potently matured like ancient wine,
Catastrophy cloaked in tranquility 

Tongues flicker in cold anticipation,
Poised heads readying killer strikes
For, stale wafts from turbulent world;
shortened slumbers of latent giants

Sadists gyrate to contorted death chords,
Swamping parade grounds with lethal arms,
In teasing cat and mouse frolics,
Bold, chilly cues to perceived nemesis

Itchy bombers taxi in slithering hisses,
Dumb,yet stealthy in gray skies
Dragons apt to spit unquenchable flames,
To lick clean a doomed world

Out of creepy swaying shadows,
Lethal missiles are carted with reverence 
Squinting in flickers of flashing light,
For scalding showers from hell's floodgates

Red faced dictators freeze in trances,
sucked in quicksands of creaky pulpits
Waving puny fists in dire defiance,
Spoiling for duels of bloody episodes 

Rusty gates of hell inch ajar,
Protestingly creaking on monotonous drills
For,lucifer craves impaling more souls,
In nauseating orgies on sticky grills

Swarms of suicidal drones blot horizons,
On crude missions of fatal fate
For random salvos on accursed blood,
In sombre engagements of no return 

Creepy shadows unleash a threat anew,
Echoes of war drums from lands afar
Chilling tides of armadas ashore,
munitions belched from clogged bellies

Tizzy bowels spit a menace unheard,
Unleashing terror on basking lizards
Unruffled by odours of dementia clad air;
Oblivious of beckoning,bsickening epilogues

Yet, yonder blossoms the daisies,
In green meadows where love resides
Lands where perpetual peace presides,
Tender turfs shaming scorched terrains.

- Zimbabwe

The poet persona uses top-notch rhymes schemes to laments the evils that comes up with war. Such as: suicide, loss of lives and properties, fear and others.

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