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The future we hold is unclear,
in the world of pride and fear,
best of modern garments we wear
are more of fairy tales for the peeping sunlight.
Within us lives a global light
that we pray hard for each night.

In the floody movement of aspirations we feed
on shiny glitters of each weed,
hoping that one might lead us to succeed.
Yet, do we see the night stars?
Shining thou radiant; without caring about the scars
which the night command upon other matters!

Glories of most souls becoming
the earliest dream of the coming
era, pleasurable promises being basketed; time still running.
Struggling and striving to be freely wealthy,
just as our efforts ought to make us be,
being alive is a "World War 3!"

STRIDA... guiding you to striking confidence in academic and creative writing!
- Nigeria 

The poet persona leaks the various side attractions that occur before man attains his glory. These include: fake opportunities, broken promises, lost hopes, enslavement, passing of dreams to the children and others. Thus, the world war 3 after the world war 1 & 2 (1914-1918; 1939-1945) is a personal war within all men. 

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