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_Then God said, “Let the earth produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants…” And it was so._ – Gen 1:11 (HCSB-r)

The seed is one of the most important things on earth. The first time the seed is mentioned in scripture is in Gen 1:11 – when God began to create life. It’s interesting to note that God didn’t just say, “Let there be vegetation, plants, and trees”. No! He made sure that their “seeds” were included in the command; because if He didn’t include the seeds, He’d still be creating life up till now. Nevertheless Gen 2:2 says _By the seventh day God finished what He had been doing and stopped working._ (GNB). 

The seed is therefore a perpetuator of life. As long as there's a seed, God need not worry about life on Earth; because He's put in each seed the power to recreate and repopulate life wherever it's sown.

The principle of the seed goes way beyond botany. It’s in effect in animals and even man. In fact, the original text of scripture makes no distinction between plant seeds and human children.

The seed principle indeed applies to every aspect of life – agricultural, financial, relational, political, etc. from the microscopic to the super-galactic, the physical to the spiritual; everywhere you look in creation, the seed principle is embedded in it. 

It’s therefore vital for us to appreciate this principle; to know how it works, and to make the most of it. 

“God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”* – Gal 6:7.  

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” – Gen 8:22.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.
+234 813 664 2912
- Nigeria 

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