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As sunset's warmth dissolves to grey,
I feel the weight of a fading day.
Youth's vibrant tide, once turgid and wild,
Now ebbs with a deafening hollowness.

Reminiscences of laughter, love, and might
Echoes of a distant, waning light.
I chase swaying shadows of the lingering past,
Longing to relive moments that will forever last.

Time's relentless tide sweeps all under its rug,
Vitality, strength, and vibrant days.
Etching wrinkles, worn and old,
A cracked mirror reflects stories untold.

In twilight's hush, I hear the gentle sea,
Whispering nostalgic secrets, reminding me
Of dreams unfulfilled and love's lost shore,
Regrets that linger in cobwebbed memory lanes.

Across stretches of fluffy blue seas,
Where horizons kiss the gentle waves,
I behold a blurry, solitary silhouette
Of vessels long lost in shore's embracing waves.

Slackened, some charge like aged jumbo bulls,
Boldly limping to weathered, conspicuous lighthouses,
Tried by figments of life's cruel realities,
Humbled by scars of bitter truths.

In undredged harbors, many run aground,
Docking forever to rot in blue salines,
Where hoarse whispers from damp cabins
Narrate sad tales of unforgettable voyages.

As the tide recedes to night,
Some cuddle in life's flickering light,
Embers of invaluable experience and wisdom,
Weathered hearts, with love's sweet refrain.

- Nigeria 

The poet persona uses complex diction to display the changes of the dark evening and the produced night eventually. This changing weather commands natural human actions and romantic moves between lovers.

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