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Let's sit and observe,
How terrifying it has become,
When sweet futures lick in a broken bowl,
And the thirst for tomorrow dreams,
It makes me weep an ocean of bitterness.
When I look at the dazzling sunshine,
I see darkness being hail before light.

Oh, excuse me, Mr. Executor,
We were told that education was the best.
But sorry, why are "X" and "Y" weeping?
Despite having the papers and experiences?
Oh, before our naked eyes, corruption
Has become the sermon for the day,
Yet, injustice is the best lawyer for the poor.

Please don't see me as a boorish poet.
Rather, I write to express for the voiceless,
Those whose rights were eaten by alligators;
For even in my deepest sleep, sorry, 
I saw brokenness in their fluffy faces.
If you think this is a book of myth,
Look on the streets; the answers are there.

Mama and Papa are tired of misery.
Kids and siblings are drowned with uncertainty.
There's nothing called purity anymore.
Neither a home that looks like paradise.
If I meet God in His chamber of rest,
I promise, I'll tell Him about my people.
For their eyes burned more than fire.

- Liberia

The poet persona laments how prosperity has become an everlasting trouble since education, peace, love, family and others that should help man become great are all failing hypocritically.

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