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[ _Poets cries for a new flag of prosperity & peace_]
It's another 365 to celebrate freedom in jail.
her people can't boost of a thing.
There's nothing to be proud of,
Even the wealthy murmur in watery tongues.
What a beautiful shame!
We are covered under the duvet of poverty and insecurities 
The green flag is torn and burnt , and the white that was meant to be our peace, 
was nothing but covers on innocent lives that were shot on streets,
and pieced into soya meats. 
Independence means nothing but grief,   
In day light, we have turned petty thieves 
Because the government is too busy to see how unhealthy we feed.

The political entities promised greener pasture,
Yet famine is rampant
Money is not in proper circulation. 
We are in a big picture,  where we graze for green grass.
Since it's greener than the pasture itself. 
 The masses are suffering
from bone fracture.
we bend, walking with a bad posture.
"Home sweet home," they say
What is good about the home? 
Where my fellow brother,
Stab me at the back and still smile at me?
A home that burns with escalating fire?
A fire that doesn't quench forever. 
A fire that blows trenches, agony, bitterness,  hurt, and scars.
why have they created hell on earth?
How do we start healing dry bones?
How do we wake our fellow brother to tell him 
" Guy, beans is ready o" 
After he had slept forever due to hunger.

Where are all the goodies they promised us?
The green flag is torn 
with red stains on it
The white part of the flag has been black a long time ago.
We have been enslaved into darkness from ancient times.
1960 was not a year of independence but a time for a new modern war in our own country, Nigeria.
We traded our intelligence to the whites and still have our flag in colored white .
What difference does it make?
We gave them the licence and reasons to enslave and utilize us until our blood dries up.
It is difficult to tell them , 
We deserve our freedom
and we want it back.
We breathe fear and learnt to live with it.
 We have given them full entitlement to govern us.
There's nothing to celebrate on the 1st of October .
We only celebrate war, pain, loss of innocent lives, and blood sheds.
We celebrate hot iron scars that are boldly enscripted on our backs.
They call us black, 
And send us back to hell
Our skin colour should not depit how we should be treated.
Stop racism!
I was told, " Politics is a dirty game."
Oh, now I see how the games are played dirty! 
In an empty plate of truth, we are served deception & lies.
We are consumed by fear to speak the truth
Because our lips have been sealed with a token for bribery. 
Under severe threats, we shiver and wallow in the lies we are told. 
Or how would a tensed  man at gun point,
Spell "ABC" without twisting the spellings.
Yes! He needs a CAB
Get it for him!
Get him out of the hands of the kidnappers and armed robbers.
Drive as fast as you can 
And still maintain the right track.
Everybody in a fight for survival. 
Yet the lives of the innocent ones are at risk?
How would you tell a poor heart- broken man to take whisky,
So he can unthink memories without memorizing what's about to unfold.
How do you tell him? when he can't even afford a bottle of whisky?
Maybe his relationship would still be intact, 
If he had money to take care of his woman.
The country is tough, 
and the street is growing rough, too.

 October is back, and black
Nothing hurts than seeing our loved ones shot 
right in front of us.
They swim in blood bath
During world wars.
we scream in heaviness
Scavenging  scanty streets for their body.
We offer sacrifices even 
to the gods, whose names we do not know. 
The lekki massacre leaves in our hearts unforgettable memories of our loved ones.
May their gentle souls rest in peace. 
Our fight for freedom is not to despise nor create war
But a call for peace and harmony. 
We aspire nothing but the feeling of fulfilment,
Ignite a campfire filled with love, peace, and unity 
so we dance around it joyfully, 
With the country flag wrapped around our waist.
Give us a good reason to celebrate independence. 
We seek justice,  true identity, and freedom. 
We need a new flag of prosperity and peace.

- Nigeria 
- Nigeria 

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